


The first chapter of the New Testament book of John is interesting.  

The chapter starts out with John describing who Jesus is. John tells us the true identity of Jesus.  

The chapter then transitions and ends with Jesus telling us who his earliest followers were.  Specifically, He even changing the name of one of his followers from Simon to Peter, which meant "Rock", so that Peter's earthly name better suited his Heavenly identity.

Jesus is still doing this today.  He continues to proclaim our identity over us.  I believe this identity is tied to our natural gifts.  Those are the things that we are naturally gifted to do and enjoy.

All too often the World around us is the one trying to tell us who we are or who we ought to be.   It is constantly urging us to be someone we are not.

Jesus rejoices in who we actually are.

I encourage you today to embrace your God-given Identity and natural talents.  If you don't know what your identity is, go on a journey of discovery and find out!  Need help on that journey?  This can help. 

What are your thoughts?

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