Peacemaking and Divorce

Divorce is ALWAYS hard.  I don't enjoy divorce law.  However, I enjoy helping people find peace.  One of my favorite scriptures on this is I Corinthians 7:15 TPT:

But if the unbelieving spouse wants a divorce, then let it be so. In this situation the believing spouse is not bound to the marriage, for God has called us to live in peace.

Too often the religious mindset would try to keep the marriage Paul is referencing together.  That's not what he is saying.  His emphasis is not on staying together simply to stay together.  He says "live in peace."  His emphasis is peace.

Too often people beat themselves up over having to let a spouse go, when it's necessary.  If the spouse has moved out, is hooked on porn, alcohol or drugs, guess what, they, typically want something other than the marriage.  Even a person's spending compulsions can be an addiction and an issue.

Do you try to salvage the marriage? Absolutely.  Unfortunately, the evil that is addiction, abandonment or abuse often has too strong of a foothold. 

Finding peace in a hard situation matters.  If you can avoid divorce, that's fantastic.  If you can't, then don't beat yourself up.  Another favorite scripture of mine is Matthew 5:9 TPT:

How blessed you are when you make peace!
For then you will be recognized as a true child of God.


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