The Nano Lawyer

 Thanks to David Schwartzenburg and Pixabay

COVID has heightened my awareness to the changes in society and law.  As a result of COVID, many hearings are now video.  Some hearings are now being skipped all together and being conducted solely on the filings.

Should this change have come sooner?  Yes.  But, it is what it is.

What does this mean for the average lawyer?  They have to adapt and change as well.  Hearings that used to take half (1/2) a day now take half (1/2) an hour.  For many, this has destroyed the billable hour.   It has also destroyed a business model that was designed around inefficient courts.  For others, they have had to recognize that many of their clients are now "cash strapped" and can't afford what they used to.  For others, it means business locations shutting down to better "weather the storm".

What do we do?  Here's some ideas:

  • Figure out the power and cost effectiveness of Social Media, then leverage it.
  • Figure out that we are all in Sales, whether we like it or not.
  • Get rid of stupid expenses.  The high expense model of many law firm services will simply not be able to exist in this new economy.  Those expenses can no longer be passed on to the client.  The margins of fifty (50) years ago are gone. (Who needs "brass and glass" offices when all the client sees is you and wall behind you on a video chat?)
  • Figure out how to work virtually.
  • Get a coach to help you discover your passions and find clients who resonate with those passions.
  • Mentor a younger lawyer and, in exchange, be reverse mentored. 

What does the term "nano lawyer" mean?  It means that we become agile and adaptable.  It means we leverage what we have, instead of being tied to dinosaur like expense and practice models. It means, like a nanite, we work within the system we are placed while fulfilling our core programming.

Let me know if I can help.


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