Making peace with your original self


I am a big believer in each of us taking our own journey of inner healing.  Life throws trauma at us.  Often we receive the greatest trauma in childhood.  

This disconnects us with our original self.  This disconnects us from who we were created to be.  It derails creation into something else.

Miserable with your profession? Often this is because you are not doing what you were created to do.  When you do what you were created to do, it resonates with your passion and ignites your heart. 

How do you reconnect with original self?  I can tell you how this healing came for me.

First, I had to allow for a greater connection with God the Father.  I believe that the Holy Trinity is the one true God.  I had knowledge of God the Father, but not much of a relationship.  That had to change.  One of the greatest lessons in that is that my IDENTITY is in Him.  He created it because I am his unique creation.  This means that I do not have to strive to be significant, I already am.

Second, I had to acknowledge that I had issues that needed to change.  I pursued that change.  I read on topics the Holy Spirit guided me to.  Some of those authors were Christian and some weren't.  God spoke through each one. 

Third, I sought counseling and prayer.  One counselor's name kept coming up, regardless of the circles I was in.  It helped.  Also, I sought out prayer, specifically inner healing prayer.  The method used at my church is HeartSync.  I have found it to be very safe, effective and Biblically centered. 

Fourth, I worked to implement the changes in my life.  This does not come easy.  It means we have to learn about the personality type God gave us.  We have to learn about the "templates" life gave us.  We have to learn to differentiate between healthy traits and unhealthy ones. (For those of you who "geek out" on this stuff, I have mild to moderate Dyslexia, I'm an E.S.T.J. and a 6w5.)

My wife asked me recently if I felt like my journey was complete.  The answer is "no".  I don't think this journey ever ends for any of us during this life. What reconnecting with original self does is make the trip much more joyous!


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