Living in Fear


" For #God will never give you the spirit of #fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty #power, love, and self-control. "  2nd Timothy 1:7 TPT

Right now, there seem to be those who want you to be #afraid.  They want you to be #fearful.  Why?  For some, it's #control.  For others, it's financial gain.

Scripture tells us to not living in fear, but in power, love and #self-control.  Why? Because those things that are to be feared in LIFE cannot affect us in our REWARD in #Jesus.

The singer / song writer Keith Green stated it best when he said, "It took the Lord six (6) days to make the Earth.  Jesus has been working on our home in #Heaven for 2,000 years.  This is living in a garbage can compared to what He has in store for us."

 Don't hold on to #garbage.  Don't live in fear.  Sharpen your #Kingdom perspective.


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