Are you ready?


                                                                                                Image courtesy of pasja1000 and Pixabay.

These are crazy times.  While this will pass, it has a lot of folks thinking about the "what ifs" in life.  What if I don't make it?  What will happen to my kids?  What will happen to my stuff?  Have I made adequate preparation?

So, here's some tips:

  1. Make sure your relationship is right with the Lord.
  2. Make sure you have a Will.  It makes the Probate process so much easier.
  3. Have at least a Durable Power of Attorney for Medical Care, so that if something happens to you and you live, but cannot make medical choices for yourself, someone else can.
  4. Have Life Insurance.  Even if it's only a $25,000 policy, it can go a long way toward helping your survivors.

We will get through this, but reflecting on our planning is always a good thing.


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